Handmade Soap Aromatherapy

Examples of some existing handmade soap aromatherapy

* Habbatu Sauda: habbatu sauda or cumin (black seed / higela sativa) are the seeds of fennel flowers originating from the Mediterranean. Since the time dahulul cumin have been found that contain the active principle which can stimulate the energy in the human body up to a lot of usefulness for health, for skin cumin rich nutrient content and active elements to function as an antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti fungal parasites that can fight infection and treat the skin & does not cause allergies. Suitable for all skin types.

* Honey Soap: Honey has long been used to treat and maintain skin moisture. Honey contains minerals and proteins, which can dry skin to restore moisture and nutrients to the skin member. Honey soap is very good as soap and skin rejuvenation treatments, high levels of honey has anti-inflammatory and phytochemical content, acidic nature of honey and organic compounds are as anti-bacterial pathogen that can destroy viruses, bacteria and fungi as a natural antiseptic.

* GreenTea: Natural anti-oxidants to protect from free radicals and ultraviolet air pollution that can cause skin cancer, lifting dead skin cells, preventing premature aging, reduce black spot / fleck on the skin, reduce acne scars, and maintain skin moisture. Make the skin soft and healthy, for all skin types.

* Frangifani / Bunga Jepun: with extracts from flowers frangifani provide freshness and exotic flowers Indonesian atmosphere accompany you during the ritual bath. Make the skin smooth, clean and healthy.

* Bethel Soap / Soap Foreword: The most effective way to eliminate a bad odor, itching, prevent infection in your intimate area caused by bacteria, and fungi. Betel natural soaps contain phenols that nature antiseptiknya five times more effective than ordinary phenol. Natural antiseptic substances in betel can overcome the body odor, itching, ulceration, and keep your genital health, cure leucorrhoea in women, suitable for all skin types. Feel the freshness and convenience of the Bethel NATURAL SOAP

* Lemongrass / soap lemongrass: lemongrass has been used for centuries for skin care and body, overcoming the skin breakouts, oily, combating body odor, foot odor because it contains a natural antibacterial lemongrass. The smell of lemongrass also function as anti-depression, relieve stress, and prevent insect bites, and mosquitoes. Make fresh and healthy bodies.

* Volcanic Clay: Anti-Cellulite Scrub Soap - soap scrub containing kaolin minerals from the mud of a mountain is good for anti sellulit treatment, anti-sweat and cleaning skin pores of dead skin cells, toxins, and dirt, so healthy and glowing skin. Suitable for oily skin.

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